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Image by Lauren Richmond
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In this 2 hour workshop we'll have some heart-vibe dancing, writing, some activating sound healing, and more to unlock the dope AF messages that your heart has been yearning patiently to speak to you in ways that will give you them deepest feels 😍

We can't wait to help you get your heart to GLOW & GROW AF and to support you in channeling to the deep loving messages of your heart that will leave you feeling so OPEN to receive what’s truly aligned with YOU 🤍

QHHT Workshop Logo Banner.png

QHHT, which stands for quantum healing hypnosis technique, is one of the fastest ways of accessing your super subconscious mind and finding the answers you've been looking for. 

On March 30th Level 3 QHHT practitioner Christine Clark and myself will be hosting a group hypnosis event.


Hear Her Roar is a two-hour long voice activation workshop for women that are looking to healthily release and process their anger.


Through a combination of nervous system regulation techniques, drama therapy techniques, and energetics, Laura Lee Peters will help to guide you through the process of safely stepping into and releasing all that’s been building up within you for far too long.

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Image by Jess Bailey

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